
***STUDY REPORTスタディーレポート***
<概略> 部下が病気で死にかかっていたローマの百人隊長が、イエスの噂を聞いて人を遣り癒しを願うのであるが、イエスは彼の信仰と謙遜さに驚き、彼を褒めた。



さて 彼が使者に託した言葉の中にイエスをも驚かせた謙遜さが現れている。
それは 「貴方を家にお迎えする資格は自分には無いが、もし言葉を頂けるなら私の部下は治ります。なぜなら貴方の言葉には権威と力があるからです。」というものだった。
    2 イエスの言葉には、問題を解決する力があると信じていた。

人は「神よ 神よ」と言いながら、あたかも自分の願いを叶えさせる為の「神」を求め、思うようにならなければ嘆き、不信に陥り、時には恨みさえするのではないだろうか。そんな人間に神は忍耐をもって待ち続けるのである。


The Ultimate Model of Faith

The lesson text was Luke7:1-10.
Summary: The Roman officer who led 100 soldiers had a servant who was critically ill. He heard about Jesus and sent the Jewish elders to Him to heal the servant. Jesus commended him and his faithful message.

The message of the Roman officer made clear the true relationship between God and human. He showed how people should ask God about something and what motive should people have for it. It was the ultimate model of faith and the essence of belief.
Reading these verses, we get to know that this officer was so kind and reliable that the people trusted him. In fact, his social position was very high, but the relationship between him and his servant was based on grace and unfettered by their position.
Had not this officer been seeking the truth, he would not have recognized God’s authority in Jesus just by hearing a rumor about Him. In addition, he loved his servant very much, prompting him to ask Jesus to heal him. It is also interesting to note that he was a Roman, a Gentile, but his great faith impressed Jesus, finding no one like him even among the people of Israel. That is God’s grace; it is not restricted by our status or race and is freely given to all people. It only depends on whether we want it or not.

When I read the officer’s message, I can recognize how humble he was and even Jesus expressed surprise at it. He said, “I do not deserve to have you come into my house; neither do I consider myself worthy to come to you in person. Just give the order, and my servant will get well.” I find the essence of faith in the following:
1 He realized the difference between God, the Creator, and human, the creation. He also recognized that human beings do not deserve to ask something to God, but God does give His Grace on us.
2 He believed that His words had power and authority to overcome the problems.
People tend to call for God, “Oh my God, please do something for me!” As if they are looking for a God who satisfies their desires and allows only what is convenient for them in everything. As a result, when they are not answered as they have thought God’s answer would be, they are disappointed, distrustful and sometimes feel bitterness toward God.

However, God has loved us patiently. God is still looking for people with a humble spirit, who seek Him and trust in His word.