
***STUDY REPORTスタディーレポート***

<要約> 重い伝染性の皮膚病を患った人が、イエスを見て「主よ、お心ならば私を癒す事がお出来になります。」とひれ伏して願った。イエスはその人に触れて癒してやる。



「神が愛なら なぜ苦しむ私の祈りを聞いてくれないのか?」そんな言葉を耳にする。いや私自身呟いた事がある。しかし彼は選択権をイエスに託した。そして言った「私を清くする事がお出来になります」イエスに対する全き信頼無しには言えない言葉である。




「神に近付きなさい そうすれば神は近づいてくださいます。」ヤコブ4:8

Jesus will touch you!!

The lesson text of 7th June was Luke 5:12-16
Summary: There was a man who was suffering from a dreaded skin disease. He saw Jesus and threw himself down and begged Him, “Sir, If you want to, you can make me clean!”Then Jesus reached out and touched him. At once the disease left the man.

A man was alienated from his community for a long time because of his detestable disease. In his hard time, he saw Jesus and begged Him to heal him. The way of Jesus to heal him was reaching out and touching him. Jesus not only healed his physics but also pored His love into his broken heart.
It was a serious infective skin disease. I suppose that his appearance was ugly. In addition, it was said that this kind of disease was a punishment on his sins by God in this time and he was obligated to walk shouting “I’m not clean”. Thinking of these situations, how miserable he was!
However, he saw a streak of light in the darkness of his life in Jesus. Even though many people were always surrounding Jesus, he threw himself down gathering all his courage and begged. “If you want to,” This shows that he was not adequate, but if He showed him His favor. What a humble entreaty it was!
Sometimes I heard of someone say, no, I myself complained, “If God is love, why He doesn’t answer me in such a suffering?”But he entrusted the choice to Jesus and said, “You can make me clean” He couldn’t say it without entire trust in Jesus.
He recognized his uncleanness and perfectly trusted in Jesus. He was focused on just these facts.
Jesus reached out and touched him. How could he imagine being touched?
Jesus’ love poured into his heart dried-up for being loved. His spiritual rejoicing was more than his physical healing, I think.
His uncleanness seems representative of our sinful spirits. The Bible says that we have original sins, so we are separated from God. As a result we are unlearned by our sinful nature. If we humbly admit that we are sinners, and desire to be cleaned like this man, Jesus reaches out and touches us.

Today God says to you, “Come near to God, and He will come near to you.” James 4:8