



<概略> 「イエスはシモンの船に乗り、岸辺の群衆に向かって教えてられた。その後、シモンに沖に漕ぎだして漁をせよと言われる。夜通しの努力も空しく不漁だったシモンではあったが、イエスの言葉に従うと、船も沈まんばかりの大漁となる。イエスの御業を見て「私から離れて下さい」と自らの罪深さを恥じるシモンをイエスは弟子として招き、彼は全てを捨ててイエスに従った。」



ひとつシモンが秀でていたのは、自分が罪びとであると素直に認めた謙遜さであると私は思う。『イエスの足もとにひれ伏して言った「主よ 私から離れて下さい。私は罪深い者なのです」』 このシモンペテロの態度に私は感動する。このように自らに正直でありたいと願う。イエスはシモンのこの謙遜を尊ばれたのではなかろうか。 




さて 全ての人が牧師になるわけではないように、様々な働きが必要である。また全てを捨てるとは、心の優先順位を神第一にすることである。つまり神を一番に愛して自分の置かれた立場で神に仕える、それが全てのクリスチャンに問われている「キリストの弟子」ではないだろうか。 


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■How Can We Become the Disciples of Christ?
The lesson text of 22nd April was Luke 5:1-11

Summary: Jesus sat in the boat that belonged to Simon and taught the crowd. After teaching, He said to Simon to push the boat out further to the deep water and to let down his nets for a catch. Simon couldn’t get any fish in spite of working hard all night. When Simon obeyed His instruction, he was amazed by an extremely large catch of fish. Seeing what happened, Simon realized his sin and he followed Jesus as His disciple, leaving everything behind.

This is the story of an ordinary fisherman who met Jesus and realized his sin. He was absolutely transformed into a great leader of churches that influenced the world. What caught him so strongly? What quality did he have to be chosen as a disciple of the Son of God?

Generally, people are distinguished through their special ability, education and overall exemplary quality to be chosen and honored. Using this standard, Simon the fisherman, was far from such kind of people. He might be boorish and uneducated, so it’s hard to imagine him to have excellent abilities compared to others besides fishing. However, one thing outstanding thing about him was his humility for admitting his sin. I am impressed by his word while falling on his knees and saying, “Go way from me, Lord! I am a sinful man!” I hope to be honest to God like him. Jesus honored his humbleness.

In other words, the quality God looks for in a disciple is humility: to admit one’s sins before God.

Imagine if we’re divided into two groups, one group is composed of people who acknowledge their sins and the other of those people who don’t.

Simon Peter recognized absolute holiness in Jesus and then he realized his sinful nature. His purity brought to light the sinful nature in Simon. Jesus didn’t refer to his sin but he realized it by himself. The acknowledgment of our sins happens when we get close to the holiness of Jesus.

Jesus said to Simon “Don’t be afraid; from now you will be catching people.” He promised Simon to transform his life. In fact, Simon followed Jesus leaving everything behind. Simon found the adequacy in Jesus to be able to leave everything. It may be better to say that Simon was caught by the truth of Jesus. The life of Simon completely changed after that. An uneducated boorish fisherman was transformed into a great leader, preaching the Gospel to the people and strongly influencing the world.

Not everyone becomes a pastor and we need many kinds of workers. Likewise to leave everything behind in our lives is to give our priorities to God first. That is, all of the Christians are required as His disciples to serve God first in our current circumstances.

God is still looking for the humble in spirit to choose and to transform.

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■『 権威ある言葉 』 

<要約>  イエスの教えが権威に満ちているのに人々が驚いていると、汚れた霊に捕りつかれた男がやってくる。イエスはご自身の言葉の権威と力によってその男から悪霊を追い出してやる。













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■“Words with authority”
The lesson text for this week is Luke 4:31-37.

Summary: Jesus taught the people at Capernaum in Galilee on the Sabbath. They were amazed at the authority in His teachings. Jesus also cast out the demon from a man in the synagogue for the evil spirits

The words of Jesus had authority and power. He even saved a man from demon-possession by His powerful words.

People were amazed at His teachings because His teachings were founded on the truth, wisdom and love of God. They couldn’t deny or even make an argument against His words. They acknowledged the authority of God in Him.

Jesus had the power to cast out the demon from a man just by His words. Jesus saw through the evil spirit controlling the man, but the people did not have such an insight, thus the man remained in the synagogue without being thrown out by the people. It is interesting that it was the demon, not the people, who identified Jesus as the Son of God and had power to destroy him. Not only that the people lack the insight; they also couldn’t do anything against the demon. The Bible shows in other passages that people were just frightened by the demon.

The love of Jesus saved the man from demonic control. I imagine how this man suffered because of the demon and how his life was changed after that.

People sometimes acknowledge that Jesus is God. Acknowledging and believing are different, however. Even the devil acknowledged Jesus as God. On the other hand, believing in Him manifests trust, obedience and love. If you accept Jesus, you will be able to establish a wonderful relationship with Him.

Jesus gives His words with authority and power, to lead and protect you for the sake of His love.

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